You may be surprised at how much hair you lose after shampooing! What is important is not the quantity of hair loss but the quality of hair loss.
Here we explain the mechanism of hair loss and the correct way to check for hair loss.
Mechanism of hair loss
Once body hair grows, it falls out after completing its growth phase and grows back. This cycle is called the hair cycle, and the hair cycle is said to last approximately five years.
If the hair cycle is functioning properly, a person with a healthy scalp will lose approximately 50 to 150 hairs per day, so there is no need to be concerned about the amount of hair loss unless it is excessive.
However, it is difficult to count the number of hair loss, and it depends on the amount of hair you have.
How to distinguish normal hair loss from hair loss that needs attention
If you have a lot of hair that has fallen out without going through the normal hair cycle, there may be some kind of problem with your hair and scalp. Take a close look at the condition of your hair loss and distinguish normal hair loss from hair loss that needs attention.
Normal hair loss
Hair that has grown fully in the normal hair cycle and then fallen out.
Long, thick hairs.
Rotations are round and clean.
Hair loss that needs attention
Hair that has fallen out without growing fully due to some trouble.
Short, thin hairs that look like lanugo.
Hair follicles are small and distorted.
Why does hair fall out without growing fully?
Hair falls out without healthy growth because nutrients are not properly supplied to the hair.
There are many reasons for this, but the main causes are changes in diet and lifestyle, strong irritation to the scalp due to excessive styling, and pollution of the pores.
We recommend that you regularly check your hair loss in the correct way, and if there is a lot of hair loss that needs attention, you should be aware of the causes and take corrective measures as soon as possible.